Research activities

Research work:

The main objectives of the research work of the Department of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology are to promote the professional growth and social activity of young scientists and specialists, to consolidate their efforts in solving scientific problems that are priority for the university and narrow specialization, to develop innovative activities of young scientists and specialists, to effectively promote achievements science by young scientists and specialists, attracting young people to scientific research, as well as protecting the interests of young scientists.

Recently, the appearance of medical science has changed qualitatively. New possibilities have appeared in the diagnosis and treatment of many diseases. The doctor of the new generation must be able to master the latest achievements of science.

Research work plays an important role in the formation of a harmonious personality. From the initial courses, students of the Faculty of Medicine take part in research work, are engaged in the student scientific society (SSS). This instills in students the ability to work with scientific literature, lead a discussion, and acquaint them with the methodology of scientific research. Students have at their disposal information systems that provide access to the world’s medical literature.

The results of research work are reports submitted to interuniversity student scientific conferences, publications in leading medical journals.

Scientific work of the department

Scientific work of students