Goals and objectives

Head of Student Support and Extracurricular Affairs Department

Full name: Gulzhaz Anarbekovna Kongaitieva

Academic degree: Candidate of Political Sciences

Academic title: Acting Associate Professor


Address: 720082, Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek, April 7, 6, Eastern Medical Campus, office 106.

Phone: 0312(53-36-68)

Email: extracurricularoffice@gmail.com

Goal and objectives

Goals of the Division of Student Support and Extracurricular Affairs (SSEA):

The main goal of the Department of Student Support and Extracurricular Affairs is to support student initiatives, development of creative and leadership potential of students, continuity of youth policy among ISM students, creation of comfortable conditions for professional, moral, creative development and self-realization of students, development of interdisciplinary relations.



To develop a comprehensive system of educational activities covering moral, aesthetic, professional, legal, patriotic, ecological and physical development of students – future specialists

To create conditions for self-realization of the student’s personality and to organize leisure time of students in extracurricular time.

To contribute to the development of an optimal socio-cultural environment aimed at creative self-expression and self-realization of the student personality.

To create a system of monitoring student life at ISM IUK in order to improve and develop student life at ISM IUK.

To organize and conduct university-wide events, as well as to organize the participation of ISM IUK students in events of city, republican and international importance.

Develop and implement a system of student mentoring and adaptation, as well as support and coordinate their activities

To establish constant interaction with students on various issues of educational and extracurricular life, as well as to provide them with appropriate support in case of their requests.

To stimulate students’ interest in knowledge, studies, future profession, as well as to create conditions for the development of thinking and creative self-realization.

To form and systematically update the database of ISM IUK alumni.

To support and strengthen the connection of corporate unity of students and alumni of all generations.

Extracurricular activities are realized at ISM IUK in joint educational, scientific, industrial and social activities of students and employees through its various directions.


  • More than 150 students-activists
  • More than 30 cultural, mass, sports and recreational activities per year.
  • 8 directions of extracurricular activities
  • This is a period of interesting discoveries, filled with exceptional energy of action, thirst for comprehension of the world and accumulation of knowledge, and vivid impressions.

The Department of Student Support and Extracurricular Activities supervises several areas of activity:

  • Student Council
  • Student organizations
  • Sports
  • Creativity
  • Entertainment
  • Adaptation
  • Volunteering
  • Debate Club