- Department of Preclinical and Clinical Internship
- Department of Student Support and Extracurricular Affairs
- Education Office
- Monitoring and Quality Office
- Educational and Methodological Office
- Quality Assesment and Knowledge Monitoring Department
- Students Affairs Office
- Passport and Visa Office
- International Office
- Information Technology and Digitalization Office
- Medical Library
- Psychological support Center
Chief Specialist of the Training and Methodological Sector
Full name: Otorova Asel Anarbekovna
Academic degree: Candidate of Biological Sciences
- Address: 720082, Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek, 7 April Street 6, Eastern Medical Campus, office 105
- Email: asel.otorova@gmail.com
Goal of the sector:
Organisation and optimization of the educational process, monitoring of the implementation and improvement of educational programmes together with the faculty and students of the International School of Medicine
Objectives of the sector:
- Regulatory support of the educational process in educational programmes;
- Methodological support of the educational process;
- Improving the learning process;
- Planning and organisation of the learning process:
– Curriculum Optimization;
– Scheduling of the training process;
– Scheduling of interim and final certification events;
- Control over the implementation of state educational standards;
- Development and implementation of new educational programmes;