About the Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

MAPE– Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

Director of MAPE

Doctor of Medical Sciences

Gulmira Musaevna Baitova


About the Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education (MAPE):

The Academy is a structural subdivision of the ISM IUK, implementing educational programs for postgraduate education (residency) and additional professional education (advanced training for medical workers).

The MAPE functions:

The main goal of MAPE

Providing educational activities aimed at implementing educational programs for postgraduate medical education (residency), and additional professional education (advanced training for medical workers).

Objectives of MAPE

  • training of highly qualified personnel capable of professionally carrying out their activities under residency programs.
  • implementation of advanced training and professional retraining of medical workers by approved educational programs using the achievements of modern medical science and high medical technologies in the educational process.
  • develop basic, fundamental medical knowledge that will constitute the professional competencies of a doctor capable of successfully solving his professional tasks;
  • modernize the professional training of a medical specialist who will have clinical thinking, be well-versed in complex pathology, and have in-depth knowledge of related disciplines;
  • explore in depth the methodological, clinical, and medical-social foundations of medical disciplines;
  • develop skills, abilities and competencies for independent professional activities.

Regulatory documents

Licenses for educational activities

Regulation Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education (MAPE)