About the Department of Pathology

Head of the Department

Full name: Janybekov Iliyas Janybekovich


  • Address: 720000, Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek, 100/1, Lev Tolstoy St., office №214 Morphological Building
  • Email: pathology@ism.iuk.kg

About the department

The Department of Pathology was formed in October 2020. The Department of Pathology is an educational and scientific structural subdivision of the Medical Faculty of ISM NCEI ESPC “IUK”, carrying out educational, methodological and research work.

The following disciplines are taught at the Department of Pathology: pathological anatomy, pathological physiology, forensic medicine, sectional course. The Department of Pathology is located in the morphological building on L. Tolstoy St. №100/1. There are laboratories, which are equipped with the latest equipment in accordance with modern requirements. There is a museum with unique platinated and formalinized macro preparations.

Goals and Objectives of the Department:

Clinical, methodical and research activities. The Department conducts training of students, postgraduate and doctoral students, clinical residents, as well as advanced training cycles for doctors and scientific workers of health care institutions and medical science of the Kyrgyz Republic.

  • training of highly qualified medical specialists with profound theoretical knowledge and necessary practical skills, brought up in the spirit of the best traditions of Russian medicine and higher education;
  • professional development of the staff of the department and clinic;
  • improving the quality of methodological support of the educational process, scientific research and clinical work;
  • Developing new teaching methods as well as medical research and technology;
  • meeting the needs of treatment and preventive care institutions and public health authorities to improve the qualifications of their staff;
  • Providing consultative, diagnostic and methodological assistance to doctors of medical and preventive institutions and public health authorities;
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