- Department of Humanities and Natural Sciences
- Department of Fundamental Disciplines
- Department of Micro and Macro Anatomy
- Department of Public Health
- Department of Pathology
- Department of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Department of Special Clinical Disciplines
- Department of Special Surgical Disciplines
- Department of Therapy
- Department of Surgical Diseases
- Department of Infectious Diseases
Department of Fundamental Disciplines
Calendar schedule:
Calendar schedule 1 course 1 semester (6 years) 1 half-year 2023-2024 academic year
Calendar schedule 1 course 2 semester 1 half-year 2023-2024 academic year
Calendar schedule 2nd year 3rd semester of the 1st half of the year 2023-2024 academic year
Calendar schedule 2nd year 4th semester of the 1st half of the year 2023-2024 academic year
Calendar schedule 3rd year 6th semester of the 1st half of the year 2023-2024 academic year
Calendar schedule 1 course 1 semester 1 half-year 2023-2024 academic year
Schedule of mutual visits of mentors and young teachers
Modular schedule:
Modular schedule 1 course 1 semester (6 years) 1 half-year 2023-2024 academic year
Modular schedule 1 course 2 semester 1 half-year 2023-2024 academic year
Modular schedule 2nd year 3rd semester of the 1st half of the year 2023-2024 academic year
Modular schedule 2nd year 4th semester of the 1st half of the year 2023-2024 academic year
Modular schedule 3rd year 6th semester of the 1st half of the year 2023-2024 academic year
Modular schedule 1 course, 1 semester of the 1st half of the year 2023-2024 academic year
“Normal physiology” is a fundamental experimental and theoretical science about the vital activity of the whole organism, physiological systems, organs, cells and individual cellular structures, the mechanisms of regulation in the interaction of the organism with the environment, including the social environment. Physiology is the theoretical basis of medicine, as the great Russian physiologist Ivan Petrovich Pavlov spoke about, since a deep knowledge of the laws of physiology ensures the successful development of clinical disciplines. Physiology is the theoretical basis for the study of traditional and non-traditional methods of treatment, methods of functional diagnostics.
The purpose of the discipline “Normal Physiology” is to promote the formation of systemic knowledge about the vital activity of an integral organism and its individual parts, about the basic laws of functioning and mechanisms of their regulation in interaction with each other and with environmental factors, to study the physiological foundations of clinical and physiological research methods used in functional diagnostics and in the study of integrative human activity.
Total labor intensity: 7.5 credits (225 hours)
Classroom work: 135 hours
Independent work of students: 90 hours
Semester: 1-2
Final control: exam
The discipline “Biosafety and biosecurity in medicine” is part of the biological cycle of the OOP in the field of training of the GP at the Faculty of Medicine of the Department of Fundamental Disciplines.
The content of the discipline assumes: harmful and dangerous factors of biological production, their impact on the human body and the environment, modern biotechnologies, safety and environmental protection; characteristics of a biological enterprise as a biologically dangerous object, methods and methods of protection against particularly dangerous infections in accidents, self-help and first aid techniques.
Classroom work: 36 hours
Independent work of students: 24 hours
Semester: 4
Final control: offset
“Clinical Pharmacology” – studies the effect of medicines on the patient’s body, the basics of rational use of medicines, issues of clinical and economic efficiency and safety of drug therapy. With the help of clinical pharmacology, it is possible to choose a rational drug for a specific patient, excluding template pharmacotherapy. Individual differences in the effect of drugs on the human body indicate that it is impossible to fully anticipate and exclude the undesirable effects of drugs. It should be pointed out that clinical pharmacology is more comparable to individualized pharmacotherapy or rational pharmacotherapy, in tandem with the principles of evidence-based medicine. Being the main bridge between fundamental and clinical disciplines, it is crucial in the rational approach and choice of drug therapy. For example, the modern arsenal of antihypertensive drugs is extensive, this will make it difficult to prescribe and choose a drug for hypertension, knowledge of clinical pharmacology will allow you to choose an adequate drug and exclude unnecessary prescriptions. In the process of studying clinical pharmacology, special attention is paid to the interpretation of clinical protocols and guidelines for specific diseases.
Total labor intensity: 2 credits
Classroom work: 36 hours
Independent work of students: 24 hours
Semester: 8
Final control: test
“Microbiology” is a science whose subject of study is microscopic creatures called microorganisms or microbes, their biological characteristics, systematics, ecology, relationships with other organisms inhabiting our planet, animals, plants and humans.
Microbiology as the science of the structure, vital activity, ecology of microorganisms – includes four disciplines: bacteriology, virology, mycology and protozoology. Immunology closely adjoins and integrates them as a science that studies methods and mechanisms of protection against antigens, i.e. genetically foreign substances of various origins, including microbes and their products. Damage to the immune system by exposure to viruses, bacteria and other microorganisms leads to a number of serious disorders in the activity of the entire body.
The study of the abilities of microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa) to overcome protective barriers, penetrate into the internal environment of the human body and cause pathological conditions called infections is the main goal of this discipline.
Infections have been and remain the main cause of death in the population. Annual economic losses, high mortality rates, ineffective treatment, and an increase in the length of hospital stay are a significant problem of practical medicine. An increase in hospital infections associated with a change in the structure of the patient population, an increase in the frequency of invasive procedures, and the spread of
polyresistant strains, insufficient epidemiological surveillance poses a significant potential health hazard. The proportion of infectious pathology has increased, a large group of so-called emergent diseases has appeared, i.e. newly appeared or long-forgotten infectious diseases, among which, first of all, HIV infection, tuberculosis, new types of chlamydia, legionnaires’ disease, hemorrhagic fevers, etc. should be noted. Despite the significant successes achieved in antimicrobial therapy, the problems of sepsis and the spread of microorganisms resistant to antibacterial drugs, as well as an increase in the number of adverse reactions, remain relevant.
In addition, the identification of new little-studied infections such as COVID–19 and its mutating strains, which caused one of the largest pandemics in the world of the 21st century, poses new challenges to modern theoretical and practical medicine. Therefore, obtaining new information and developing effective methods to combat infectious diseases remains one of the global challenges of modern microbiology.
Total labor intensity: 8 credits
Classroom work: 136 hours
Independent work of students: 84 hours
Semester: 3-4
Final control: exam
The discipline “Molecular Biology” belongs to the cycle of natural science and biomedical disciplines in the specialty of Medical Science of higher professional medical education, studied in the second semester.
Biology students are trained in medical universities on the basis of the continuity of knowledge, skills and competencies acquired in the biology course of general educational institutions, as well as knowledge of biochemistry, physiology, genetics.
The teaching of this subject is based on the systematic study of the laws of heredity and variability at the molecular level. “Molecular biology” is a basic subject that prepares for the study of hereditary diseases in subsequent courses.
The program is designed for theoretical and practical training of qualified specialists
The study of “Molecular Biology” at medical faculties is relevant due to the growth of hereditary diseases in recent years, as well as the relevance of the development of genetic engineering and biotechnology. The program is designed for theoretical and practical training of qualified specialists.
Total labor intensity: 3 credits (90 hours)
Classroom work: 54 hours
Independent work of students: 36 hours
Semester: 2
Final control: exam
“Basic Pharmacology” is an academic discipline containing the theoretical foundations of pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic parameters of medicines. Pharmacology describes the explicit effects of drugs, the molecular mechanisms by which drugs cause pharmacological effects. In the broadest sense, pharmacology is the study of how drugs affect the biological systems of the human body. This includes the study of the origin, chemical properties, pharmacological effects, mechanisms of action, biological transformations, as well as the therapeutic use of drugs. Pharmacology is often referred to as a bridging science because it encompasses knowledge and skills from a number of fundamental scientific disciplines, including physiology, biochemistry, cellular and molecular biology.
The purpose of studying the discipline “Basic Pharmacology” is to study the rules for prescribing medicines, to study the main classifications of medicines, and their pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic parameters; drug interactions, as well as their side effects for further use of the knowledge gained in clinical departments and in the work of a doctor.
Total labor intensity: 5.5 credits
Classroom work: 165 hours
Independent work of students: 66 hours
Semester: 3-4
Final control: exam
in cells and underlying the vital activity of the body. The enormous successes of biological chemistry in recent years have touched the very foundations of natural science. Fundamental discoveries in the field of the structure of biopolymers, molecular mechanisms of information storage and transmission, gene cloning and the mechanism of biosynthesis of specific proteins, regulation of metabolic processes at the molecular, cellular and organizational levels served as the basis for the formation of new views on the essence of life processes. It is obvious that these achievements of biochemistry should take an essential place in the training of medical students.
Biological chemistry as a science of the vital activity of the human body should be as close as possible to the practical tasks of medicine. In this regard, the most important results of biological research in recent years were included in the program during its development and addition. Such fundamental concepts as molecular diseases, block mechanisms of metabolic disorders and a block of clinical modules were formulated.
The main purpose of teaching the course of biological chemistry is to study the molecular foundations of vital activity, the metabolic pathways of the main classes of organic compounds and their regulation to understand the molecular mechanisms of the development of pathological processes, as well as the study of biochemical methods for diagnosing diseases.
Classroom work: 135 hours
Independent work of students: 90 hours
Semester: 2-3
Final control: exam
The discipline “Medical Biology” belongs to the cycle of natural science and biomedical disciplines in the specialty of Medical Science of higher professional medical education, studied in the first and second semesters.
Biology students are trained in medical universities on the basis of the continuity of knowledge, skills and competencies acquired in the biology course of general educational institutions, as well as knowledge of biochemistry, physiology, genetics.
The teaching of this subject is based on a systematic study of the laws and regulations of the educational program in human biology, the requirements of the State Higher Educational Educational Institution in the field of training “Medical Biology”. The basic information on anthropology, anatomy and physiology of man is presented here, which makes it possible for students to form a comprehensive understanding of the functioning of man as a biological object. The complex nature of the approach consists in considering the structural (description of the structure) and functional (description of the processes of vital activity and functions of organs and systems of the body, their regulation) organization of the human body (anatomy and physiology) and the features of its formation in time and space (anthropogenesis and racial studies).
The program is designed for theoretical and practical training of qualified specialists. The purpose of the course “Medical Biology” is the formation and mastery of fundamental knowledge of general biological patterns, in the study of the development of the human body, issues of parasitology, as the theoretical foundations of pharmacy and the formation of students’ logic of biological thinking and practical skills necessary for the subsequent work of a general practitioner of the greatest interest to practical healthcare in connection with progress in the field of biotechnology and biometrics.
Total labor intensity: 2 credits
Classroom work: 36 hours
Independent work of students: 24 hours
Semester: 1 semester
Final control: test
The program on the subject of “Chemistry” is included in the State Higher Educational Institution, and is designed for students of the Faculty of Medicine. The program, compiled within the framework of the requirements of the State Higher Educational Institution, includes 2 main sections – “General Chemistry” and “Organic Chemistry”. Training in each of the listed sections includes listening to lectures on individual topics, seminars aimed at discussing and consolidating the theoretical material passed, solving problems and exercises on lecture topics (practical exercises), as well as passing modules on the material passed, in accordance with the criteria and requirements of the admission exams.
The purpose of the discipline “Chemistry” is to form students’ holistic physico-chemical natural science approach to the study of the human body, as well as substantiation of chemical and physico-chemical aspects of the most important biochemical processes and various types of equilibria occurring in a living organism.
Total labor intensity: 2 credits
Classroom work: 36 hours
Independent work of students: 24 hours
Semester: 1
Final control: test