- Department of Humanities and Natural Sciences
- Department of Fundamental Disciplines
- Department of Micro and Macro Anatomy
- Department of Public Health
- Department of Pathology
- Department of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Department of Special Clinical Disciplines
- Department of Special Surgical Disciplines
- Department of Therapy
- Department of Surgical Diseases
- Department of Infectious Diseases
The department teaches the following disciplines
- Gastroenterology
- Pulmonology
- Nephrology
- Cardiology
- Rheumatology
- Allergology
- Hematology
- Endocrinology, etc.
- Introduction to internal medicine
- department and family medicine
- Internal illnesses
- Family medicine
- Outpatient therapy
- Radiation diagnostics and therapy
- Clinical allergology
- Alpine medicine
Academical and Methodological Complexes:
- continuous improvement of the educational and methodological activities of the members of the department;
- improving the quality of educational and methodological support of the educational process;
- development of recommendations for the use of new and progressive learning technologies;
- participation in the preparation of new programs, textbooks and manuals for the disciplines of the department;
- development of special courses, special seminars on the interests of students;