The goals of creating a student research circle:
The Student Research Circle (SRC) is a voluntary organization of students who have expressed a desire to master the skills of conducting research and successfully combine such activities with studies.
The student research circle is a structural unit of the ISM student research society.
The main aims of the student research circle are:
- the formation of students’ interest and need for scientific creativity;
• development of creative thinking, scientific independence, increasing internal organization, a conscious attitude to learning, deepening and consolidating the knowledge gained in the learning process.
The objectives of the student research circle:
- ensuring the active participation of students in scientific conferences, competitions for the best research work, scientific seminars;
- the formation of students’ interest in scientific creativity, teaching methods and methods of individual solution of scientific problems in the field of pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology;
- assistance to students in mastering the methodology and skills of conducting individual research and development of scientific problems;
- exchange of experience in organizing and conducting research work among members of student research circles;
- preparation of a reserve of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel from among the most capable, active and successful students;
- identifying the most gifted and talented students, using their creative and intellectual potential to solve urgent problems of increasing the effectiveness of the educational process.