Charity event “Care” by Students Council of ISM IUK

On December 3, on the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, representatives of the ISM IUK Student Council, together with the Zhorooker Charitable Foundation, organized a trip to the Tokmak mixed neuropsychiatric social-stationary institution No. 2, under the leadership of the ISM Deputy Dean for educational work G. A. Kongaitieva and the curators of the groups E. Uraimov. T, Amanbekova A.A.

The purpose of the Day is to protect the rights of people with disabilities, to draw attention to their difficulties, to provide an opportunity to participate in the life of society.

For the funds raised by the students of ISM  IUK, residents of the institution were purchased soap and detergents, personal hygiene products, etc., and a concert was also held.