
  1. Indications and contraindications to surgical treatment for diffuse toxic goiter. Ultrasound examination with fine needle aspiration biopsy (ultrasound). Ultrasound technique. Indications for thyroid biopsy.
  2. Preoperative preparation and methods of surgery for diffuse toxic goiter. The volume of the operation and postoperative complications.
  3. Complications of acute thyroiditis (abscess, neck phlegmon, purulent mediastinitis). Surgical treatment.
  4. Indications for surgery for autoimmune thyroiditis (Hashimoto’s goiter). The volume of the operation. Postoperative management.
  5. Surgical treatment for fibrotic thyroiditis (thyroiditridel). The volume of surgical intervention, the dangers during the operation.
  6. Surgical interventions for hypothyroidism. Preoperative preparation. Complications.
  7. Preoperative preparation and surgical treatment for primary hyperparathyroidism.
  8. Acute lactation mastitis. Clinical picture, diagnosis, differential diagnosis.
  9. Acute lactation mastitis. Conservative and surgical treatment.
  10. Foreign bodies of the esophagus. Clinical picture, diagnosis and treatment.
  11. Chemical burns of the esophagus. Clinical picture, diagnosis and differential diagnosis. Treatment.
  12. Cicatricial strictures of the esophagus: clinic, localization and forms of narrowing, diagnosis and differential diagnosis.
  13. Cicatricial strictures of the esophagus: treatment, methods of augmentation, indications for surgery and methods of surgery, complications.
  14. Achalasia of the cardia (cardiospasm). Clinical picture and diagnosis. Differential diagnosis and treatment.
  15. Diverticula of the esophagus. Clinical picture, diagnosis and differential diagnosis. Classification. Indications for surgery, methods of surgical treatment.
  16. Gastroesophageal reflux disease: indications for surgery, methods of surgery, complications.
  17. Bleeding from varicose veins of the esophagus: clinic, diagnosis, differential diagnosis.
  18. Bleeding from varicose veins of the esophagus: treatment, indications for surgery, methods of surgical treatment.
  19. Absolute and relative indications for surgical treatment for peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. Gastrointestinal bleeding: clinic, diagnosis, treatment, medical examination.
  20. The concept of bleeding and blood loss. Classification of bleeding. Clinic and assessment of the severity of blood loss.
  21. Perforated ulcer of the stomach and duodenum: classification, clinic, diagnosis, differential diagnosis.
  22. Perforated ulcer of the stomach and duodenum: indications for suturing, resection and vagotomy.
  23. Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum complicated by bleeding: clinic, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, conservative treatment.
  24. Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum complicated by bleeding: indications for surgery, methods of surgical treatment.
  25. Temporary and final stop of bleeding. Complications of bleeding.
  26. Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum complicated by pylorostenosis: indications for surgery, methods of surgical treatment.
  27. Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum complicated by pylorostenosis: clinical picture, diagnosis and differential diagnosis.
  28. Mallory-Weiss syndrome: clinical picture, diagnosis and differential diagnosis. Treatment.
  29. Diseases of the operated stomach: general classification. Dumping syndrome, clinical picture, diagnosis and differential diagnosis. Treatment.
  30. Diseases of the operated stomach: adductor loop syndrome – clinic, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, indications for surgery, methods of surgical treatment.
  31. Peptic ulcer of anastomosis: clinic, diagnosis, differential diagnosis.
  32. Peptic ulcer of anastomosis: treatment, indications for surgery, methods of surgical treatment, complications.
  33. Cholelithiasis: classification, clinic, diagnosis and differential diagnosis, treatment.
  34. Acute cholecystitis: classification, clinic, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment, indications for surgery, methods of surgical treatment.
  35. Chronic calculous cholecystitis: classification, clinic, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment, indications for surgery, methods of surgical treatment.
  36. Choledocholithiasis: clinical picture, diagnosis, differential diagnosis.
  37. Choledocholithiasis: complications, indications and methods of surgical and endoscopic treatment.
  38. Post cholecystectomy syndrome: definition of the concept, clinic, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, indications for surgery and methods of surgical treatment.
  39. Acute pancreatitis: clinical picture, diagnosis and differential diagnosis.
  40. Acute pancreatitis: complications, conservative treatment, indications for surgery, methods of surgical treatment.
  41. Cysts, pancreatic fistulas: classification, clinic, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment.
  42. Abdominal hernias: definition, classification, elements and types of hernia.
  43. Inguinal hernias: surgical anatomy of the inguinal region, clinic, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, methods of surgical treatment.
  44. Femoral hernias: clinic, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, surgical treatment methods.
  45. Umbilical hernias: clinic, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, surgical treatment methods.
  46. Hernias of the white line of the abdomen: clinic, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, methods of surgical treatment.
  47. Postoperative and traumatic hernias: clinic, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, surgical treatment methods.
  48. Hiatal hernias: classification, clinic, diagnosis and differential diagnosis.
  49. Hernias of the esophageal orifice of the diaphragm: indications for surgery and methods of surgery.
  50. Diaphragmatic hernias: Larrea, Bohdalek. Clinical picture, diagnosis and differential diagnosis. Treatment.
  51. Strangulated hernias: definition, classification, clinic, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, features and stages of surgical treatment.
  52. Acute appendicitis: clinical picture, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment.
  53. Acute appendicitis: features of the clinical course depending on the location, in children, pregnant women and the elderly
  54. Acute appendicitis: preoperative and postoperative complications, clinic, diagnosis, treatment.
  55. Hemorrhoidal disease: classification, clinical picture.
  56. Hemorrhoidal disease: complications, indications for surgery, methods of surgical treatment.
  57. Acute paraproctitis: classification, clinical picture, diagnosis, treatment.
  58. Pararectal fistulas: classification, clinical picture.
  59. Pararectal fistulas: diagnosis, methods of surgical treatment.
  60. Anal fissure. Clinical picture, diagnosis and differential diagnosis. Treatment.
  61. Rectal prolapse. Clinical picture. Diagnostics and differential diagnostics. Treatment
  62. Rectal polyps and polyposis: clinical picture, diagnosis and differential diagnosis. Treatment.
  63. Intestinal obstruction. Clinical picture and diagnosis.
  64. Intestinal obstruction: classification, differential diagnosis.
  65. Dynamic intestinal obstruction: clinical picture, diagnosis and differential diagnosis.
  66. Dynamic intestinal obstruction: treatment, indications for surgery, methods of surgical treatment, complications.
  67. Obstructive intestinal obstruction: clinic, diagnosis, differential diagnosis.
  68. Obstructive intestinal obstruction: indications for surgery, methods of surgical treatment, complications.
  69. Strangulation intestinal obstruction (inversion, nodulation, infringement): definition of the concept, clinic, diagnosis, differential diagnosis.
  70. Strangulation intestinal obstruction: treatment, indications for surgery, methods of surgical treatment, complications.
  71. Acute adhesive intestinal obstruction: clinic, diagnosis, indications for conservative and surgical treatment
  72. Intestinal invagination: definition of the concept, types of invaginations, causes, clinic, diagnosis, differential diagnosis.
  73. Intestinal intussusception: treatment, indications for surgery and methods of surgical treatment, complications.
  74. Open liver injuries (stabbed, cut, gunshot). Clinical picture and diagnosis. Treatment.
  75. Closed liver damage (ruptures, fractures, separation). Clinical picture and diagnosis. Treatment.
  76. Liver abscesses. Clinical picture, diagnosis and differential diagnosis. Treatment.
  77. Echinococcosis of the liver: Morphology and biology of echinococcosis. Ways of infection and the development of echinococcosis in humans. Clinical picture and diagnosis. Differential diagnosis
  78. Echinococcosis of the liver: Complications. Treatment. Preventive measures.
  79. Liver alveococcosis: Clinical picture and diagnosis. Differential diagnosis.
  80. Alveococcosis of the liver: Complications. Treatment. Preventive measures.
  81. Nonparasitic liver cysts. Clinical picture, diagnosis and treatment.
  82. Lung abscess and gangrene: classification, clinical picture, diagnosis and differential diagnosis.
  83. Lung abscess and gangrene: indications for surgery, types of surgical interventions, complications.
  84. Indications and contraindications to surgical treatment for bronchiectatic disease, the scope of surgical intervention.
  85. Echinococcosis of the lungs: clinic, diagnosis, differential diagnosis.
  86. Echinococcosis of the lungs: indications for surgery, methods of surgery, complications.
  87. Alveococcosis of the lungs: definition, pathways of infection, endemic zones in Kyrgyzstan, clinical picture and differential diagnosis.
  88. Alveococcosis of the lungs: classification, stages of the course of alveococcosis of the lungs, methods of surgical treatment, preventive measures.
  89. Nonparasitic lung cysts: classification, clinic, diagnosis and differential diagnosis. Treatment.
  90. Empyema of the pleura: classification, clinical picture, diagnosis and differential diagnosis. Treatment.
  91. Acute purulent pleurisy: classification, clinic, diagnosis and differential diagnosis.
  92. Acute purulent pleurisy: treatment, indications for drainage of the pleural cavity.
  93. Damage to the spleen. Clinical picture, diagnosis and treatment.
  94. Splenectomy: indications for surgery, contraindications, methods of surgical intervention, complications.
  95. Injuries to the heart and pericardium. Clinical picture and diagnosis. Treatment.
  96. Acute purulent mediastinitis: clinical picture, diagnosis and differential diagnosis.
  97. Obliterating atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities: clinical picture, diagnosis and differential diagnosis.
  98. Obliterating atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities: treatment, indications for surgery, methods of surgical treatment, complications.
  99. Obliterating endarteritis: clinical picture, diagnosis and differential diagnosis.
  100. Obliterating endarteritis: principles of conservative treatment, indications for surgery, methods of surgical treatment.
  101. Thrombosis and embolism in the arterial system. Clinical picture and diagnosis.
  102. Varicose veins of the lower extremities. Clinical picture and diagnosis.
  103. Varicose veins of the lower extremities. Conservative and surgical methods of treatment.
  104. Postthrombophlebitic syndrome. Clinical picture. Differential diagnosis and treatment.
  105. Acute thrombophlebitis of superficial veins. Clinical picture, diagnosis and differential diagnosis.
  106. Acute deep vein thrombosis of the lower extremities. Clinical picture, diagnosis differential diagnosis. Treatment.
  107. Open injuries of the small intestine: clinical picture, diagnosis and treatment.
  108. Closed injuries of the small intestine: clinical picture, diagnosis and treatment.
  109. Diverticulum of the small intestine (Meckel). Clinical picture, diagnosis and differential diagnosis. Complications. Treatment.
  110. Indications for surgical treatment for Crohn’s disease. Preoperative preparation, the scope of surgical intervention and management in the postoperative period.
  111. Intestinal fistulas: classification, clinic, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, indications for surgery, methods of surgical treatment.
  112. Hirschsprung’s disease: clinical picture, diagnosis.
  113. Hirschsprung’s disease: differential diagnosis, complications, treatment.
  114. Indications and scope of surgical intervention for nonspecific ulcerative colitis. Complications.
  115. Diverticula of the colon: Clinical picture and diagnosis.
  116. Diverticula of the colon: Complications. Treatment.
  117. Polyps and polyposis of the colon: Clinical picture and diagnosis.
  118. Polyps and polyposis of the colon: types of polyps. Complications and treatment.
  119. Chronic colostasis: clinical picture, diagnosis and differential diagnosis.
  120. Chronic colostasis: complications, conservative and surgical treatment.
  121. Peritonitis: clinical picture and diagnosis.
  122. Peritonitis: classification, differential diagnosis and treatment.
  123. Frostbite: classification, clinic, diagnosis, treatment.
  124. Burns: classification, methods for determining the area and depth of burns, treatment.
  125. Bedsores: causes, clinical picture, treatment, prevention.
  126. Wound and wound infection. Wound definition and symptoms. Types of surgical treatment of wounds.
  127. Classification of wounds: phases of the wound process, types of wound healing. Treatment of wounds depending on the phases of the wound process.
  128. Acute hematogenous osteomyelitis: clinical picture, diagnosis, treatment.
  129. Furuncle and furunculosis: clinical picture, diagnosis and treatment.
  130. Clinical picture. Treatment.
  131. Abscesses and phlegmons. Clinical picture and treatment.
  132. Hydroadenitis: clinical picture, diagnosis, treatment
  133. Indications for surgical treatment for erysipelas, depending on the forms of erysipelas.
  134. Clostridial infection. Gas gangrene: clinical picture, treatment.
  135. Tetanus: classification, clinical picture, diagnosis, treatment, prevention.
  136. Blood and blood substitutes. Blood transfusion: indications, methods, methods of transfusion of blood and blood components, complications.
  137. Blood groups and Rhesus affiliation: rules for determining the blood group by standard serums and tsoliklons.
  138. Pneumothorax and hemothorax: classification, clinical picture, diagnosis, treatment.
  139. Panaritium: classification, clinic, diagnosis, treatment.
  140. Burn disease: stages, diagnosis, treatment.
  141. Burns: classification, local treatment of burns.
  142. Electrotrauma: classification, clinical picture, first aid.
  143. Prolonged tissue compression syndrome: clinical picture, first aid.
  144. Dry gangrene. Wet gangrene. Clinical picture, diagnosis and differential diagnosis.
  145. Pyopneumothorax: clinical picture, diagnosis and differential diagnosis.
  146. Pneumothorax and hemothorax: classification, clinical picture, diagnosis and differential diagnosis, treatment.
  147. Preoperative period. Features of preparing patients for emergency surgery.
  148. Closed abdominal injuries. Clinical picture of intra-abdominal bleeding. General principles of diagnosis and treatment.
  149. Closed abdominal injuries. The clinical picture of the rupture of the hollow organ. Diagnostics and differential diagnostics. Treatment.
  150. Invasive and non-invasive diagnostic methods in surgery.
  151. Peritonitis of newborns. Classification. Clinical picture. Diagnostics. Features of surgical treatment.
  152. Necrotic ulcerative enterocolitis of newborns, stages, clinical course features, complications, indications for surgical treatment
  153. High congenital intestinal obstruction, clinic, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, features of surgical treatment.
  154. Low congenital intestinal obstruction in children, clinic, diagnosis, features of surgical treatment. Complications.
  155. Pylorostenosis in children. Clinical picture, diagnosis. Features of surgical treatment. Complications.
  156. Anorectal malformations. Classification. Clinical picture and diagnosis. Features of surgical treatment.
  157. Intestinal intussusception in children, classification, clinic and diagnosis. Features of surgical treatment, complications.
  158. Omphalocele in newborns, classification, features of clinical course and surgical treatment. Complications.
  159. Spinal hernias in children. Classification, clinic, diagnostics indications for surgical treatment.
  160. Cerebral hernias in children. Classification, clinic, features of diagnosis and surgical treatment.
  161. Hydrocephalus in children. Classification, features of surgical treatment, complications
  162. Purulent-inflammatory diseases of soft tissues (necrotic phlegmon of newborns, lymphadenitis, mastitis, paraproctitis). Clinic. Features of diagnosis and surgical treatment. Complications.
  163. Omphalitis of newborns, classification, clinic, diagnosis. Indications for surgical treatment, complications.
  164. Acute hematogenous osteomyelitis. Clinic for young children. Forms of flow. Diagnostics. Surgical treatment, complications and their prevention.
  165. Acute bacterial destruction of the lungs. Classification. Clinical forms. Diagnostics. Methods of treatment. Surgical tactics in young children
  166. Anomalies of development and lowering of the testicle in children. Clinical forms. Diagnostics. Indications for surgery. Terms of surgical treatment. Principles of operation.
  167. Achalasia of the esophagus in children, clinic, diagnosis, features of surgical treatment.
  168. Chalasia of the esophagus in children. Clinic, diagnostics, features of surgical treatment.
  169. Biliary tract atresia in newborns, classification, clinical course features and indications for surgical treatment, complications.