Workshop “High level of practical skills”

On December 6-7, 2023 the Department of “Therapy” IUK ISM together with the Department of Student Support & Extracurricular Activities and Student Council in preparation for the State Final Attestation held a workshop “High level of practical skills” with the students of the 10th semester in the Simulation Training Centre at the University Clinic “Amanat Hospital”.

The workshop programme included master classes with the use of educational technologies TBL, CBL on solving situational problems, working with case histories and practicing practical skills and abilities at all stations of therapy, as well as skills in cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

According to the results of the seminar, the Rector of IUK, Academic A.A. Aidaraliev and the Head of the Department “Therapy” Professor G.M. Baitova gave branded gifts and certificates to the most active participants. Students of the 10th semester and members of the student council expressed gratitude to the teachers of the department for the work aimed at improving knowledge and skills.