On 30 April 2024 in the walls of the Kyrgyz State Medical Academy took place the Olympiad ‘Into the future with burning hearts’, dedicated to the 85th anniversary of I.K. Akhunbaev Kyrgyz State Medical Academy, where the 4th year students, participants of the team ‘Mediquest Squad’ of the International School of Medicine IUK took the third place among the teams of other universities of the Kyrgyz Republic.
The purpose of this Olympiad was to identify and develop students’ interest in practical medical activity, support professional growth, development of dedication to the profession, popularisation of knowledge on internal medicine.
Congratulations to Mediquest Squad on their well-deserved victory! Your journey doesn’t end here – this is just the beginning of a future full of endless possibilities.
Team members:
– Muhammad Yasir Asghar (8th semester)
– Zarish Khalil (8th semester)
– Nabras (9th semester)
– Mudassir Abbas (10th semester)
– Sermad Jamil (9th semester)
– Ahmed Saber (7th semester)
– Abdullah Aziz (7th semester)