On April 13, 2023, the Advanced Training Center of the Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education of the ISM IUK organized Advanced training short-term course on the topic “Methodology of scientific research and methods of scientific statistical analysis” for doctoral students and young scientists of the IUK.
This course brought its innovations to the methodology of scientific research of young scientists and involve students from all campuses of the International University of Kyrgyzstan. The invited lecturer, one of the prominent expert of Turkie –Dr. PhD Fuat Kocigit, presented his works in the field of statistical analysis, which interested the audience, and is already helping our doctoral students to determine the correct statistical approach in their dissertational works
Dr. PhD Fuat Kocigit presented the following topics in his classes:
• Basic concepts of statistics, data types, the concept of statistical significance, criteria that used in the analysis, normality, distributions, uniformity.
• Methods of statistical analysis used in medicine, explanation by schemes.
• Some concepts of risk and probability in medical articles (RRR, ARR, RR, risk attitude, chance attitude).
We note the sincere interest and activity of the audience of this course, for what we express our gratitude to Dr. Fuat Kocigit and to our young scientists!