On February 18, 2023, the International Conference of the ISM IUK on the topic: “Innovative technologies in thyroid surgery” was held at the Imperial Conference. The conference was held offline. The Center for Advanced Studies and the “Amanat hospital” clinic at the ISM IUK organized the conference.
The conference was attended by more than 80 teachers and doctors from various institutions in Bishkek: KSMA named after. I.K. Akhunbaev, KRSU them. B.N. Yeltsin, National Hospital under the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic, private clinics, etc.
The special guest lecturer of the conference was Dr. Ph.D., Professor of the clinic “LIV Hospital” Cem Dural, as well as the second lecturer of the conference, was Dr. Ph.D., Professor Sulaimankulov R.M., who is the leading laparoscopic surgeon of the Clinic “Amanat hospital” ISM IUK.
According to the conference program, Professor Cem Dural presented two current topics in the field of surgery “Application of innovations in thyroid surgery” and “Use of auxiliary medical equipment in thyroid surgery”. The conference participants warmly welcomed the speaker and asked many questions, which the professor answered with pleasure.
We also note the speech of our professor of the International school of medicine of the IUK Sulaimankulov R.M. on the topic “Single-port laparoscopic surgery”, where he voiced his vision regarding laparoscopic surgery.
The results of the conference were summed up by the leading surgeon of the ISM IUK Akramov U.A. The conference participants noted the relevance of the conference topics.