International School of Medicine of the International University of Kyrgyzstan and the Association of Resorts of Kyrgyzstan
organize International scientific-practical conference
“Problematic diseases of the 21st century, specific features of the course in mountain conditions” and
Date and place: June 29-30, 2023, Cholpon-Ata, sanatorium “Blue Issyk-Kul”, Kyrgyz Republic

International School of Medicine of International University of Kyrgyzstan,
Association of Resorts of Kyrgyzstan,
with the support of
Kyrgyz State Medical Institute of Retraining and Professional Development named after S.B. Daniyarov,
Public Association “Active longevity of the Kyrgyz people”,
with participation of
Academy of Polar Medicine and Extreme Human Ecology (Russia),
SCO Hospitals Cooperation Alliance,
Istinye University (Turkey),
Hokkaido and Shinshu Universities (Japan),
The University of Rostock and Greifswald (Germany),
N.A. Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health (Russia),
I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow.
Main scientific directions of the conference:
– Clinical features of internal diseases, peculiarities of course in mountain conditions (cardiology, pulmonology, oncology, etc.);
– Age peculiarities of pathology in inhabitants of mountain regions and comorbid diseases;
– Medical rehabilitation of patients with the use of therapeutic climatic conditions and natural therapeutic resources;
– Medical and psychological aspects of life activity and safety in extreme and emergency conditions;
– Fundamental aspects of SRW and problems of education in medical schools.
Aidaraliev Asylbek Akmatbekovich – Advisor to the Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers – Head of the Presidential Administration of the Kyrgyz Republic, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Academic Consortium “International University of Kyrgyzstan”.
Batyrbekova Lira Kasymalievna – President of the Association of Resorts of Kyrgyzstan, director of the sanatorium “Blue Issyk-Kul”.

Terms and procedures for the submission of the application for participation:
To participate in the conference, it is necessary to submit an application for participation by June 10, 2023, at the link https://ism.iuk.kg/innovatsionnye-tehnologii-v-hirurgii-shhitovidnoj-zhelezy/ ), and to attach an abstract or a scientific article to the e-mail addresses (listed below), according to the scientific direction of the conference.
Language of the conference: Kyrgyz, Russian, English.
Form of participation: offline and online.
Articles meeting the above directions and requirements will be published in the journals “Vestnik IUK” and “Medicine of Kyrgyzstan” free of charge.
-The articles for publication in the journal “Vestnik IUK” should be sent to the responsible editor of the journal Isayeva Ch.K. by e-mail at vestnik.iuk@mail.ru
-The articles for publication in the journal “Medicine of Kyrgyzstan” are sent to the editor-in-chief Belov G.V. by e-mail at georgybelov54@gmail.com
Requirements for the design of the article
On the first page in the Kyrgyz, Russian and English languages should be indicated:
– thematic rubric of the UDC of the article;
– surname and patronymic of the author (authors), title of the article, place of work, telephone number, e-mail address;
– abstract and keywords of 350-400 characters.
The number of authors of the article should not exceed four people per direction.
The text should consist of sections:
- a) relevance, reflecting the state of the issue and research objectives,
- b) analysis and methods, the results of their discussion; the novelty of the research,
- c) conclusions or conclusion,
- d) bibliography list should not exceed 10 titles,
Illustrative material – in *PDF*TIF*JPG format:
- a) tables should be titled, and contain clearly marked columns;
- b) references to figures and tables should be indicated in the text in the appropriate places;
- c) each figure or graph must have a commentary;
- List of references is compiled: in alphabetical order by the surname of the authors, first domestic, then foreign,
The article should be submitted to the editorial board in the electronic version.
– The text is typed in the editor Word in one of the languages: Kyrgyz, Russian, or English.
– The format of the page is A4 (21×29,7);
– page parameters: top and bottom 2,5 cm, left 2,25 cm, right 2,25 cm
– font: Times New Roman, size 14 pt;
– line spacing: single spacing;
– indent in the first line of the paragraph 1.25 cm;
– word wording is prohibited;
– text alignment by width;
– the volume of the article should not exceed 24 thousand signs (4-7 pages).
– In-text footnotes are given in square brackets, the number of the source in the reference list, and the page number after the comma, for example: [5, с. 256];
– Page numbers inside the article should not be indicated.
The article is accompanied by a review from the supervisor and a member of the editorial board of the journal “Vestnik IUK” in the appropriate direction with the reviewer’s signature.
The organizing committee of the conference reserves the right of technical editing or rejection of the material that does not correspond to the theme of the conference or is designed in violation of the requirements. Articles will not be returned. The organizing committee will not accept applications and articles submitted after June 10, 2023.