Hospital pediatrics with neonatology

  1. Premature newborns: morpho functional features, care, feeding.
  2. Intrauterine hypoxia and asphyxia of newborn children. Primary resuscitation for asphyxia.
  3. Birth injuries. Intracranial hemorrhages in newborn children (clinic, diagnosis, prevention)
  4. Spinal birth injuries. Palsy Duchenne-Erba, Degerin-Klumpke, Cofferat syndrome.
  5. Hemolytic disease of a newborn child. Causes, clinic, diagnosis, treatment, prevention.
  6. Hemolytic disease of a newborn child. Bilirubin encephalopathy (nuclear jaundice).
  7. Hereditary jaundice of newborn children. Crigler-Nayar jaundice, Gilbert.
  8. Hemorrhagic disease of a newborn child. Clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment, prevention
  9. Intrauterine infections of the viral etiology of newborn babies. Cytomegalovirus, herpes infections. Measles rubella.
  10. Intrauterine bacterial infections in newborn children.Listeriosis. Mycoplasmosis. Chlamydia.
  11. Intrauterine infections in newborns. Toxoplasmosis. Clinical manifestations, diagnostics.
  12. Embryo- and fetopathy of newborns. Causes, clinic, diagnosis, prevention.
  13. Pneumopathy of newborns. Clinical manifestations, assessment of the severity of respiratory disorders on a modified Downs scale.
  14. Pneumopathy of newborn children. Treatment, prevention.
  15. Pneumonia in newborn children. Etiology, clinic, diagnosis, treatment, prevention.
  16. Non-communicable diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue of a newborn baby. Diaper rash. Prickly heat. Sclerema. Scleroderma.
  17. Infectious diseases of a newborn child’s skin and subcutaneous tissue. Vesiculopustulosis. Pemphigus of the newborn. Exfoliative dermatitis of Ritter.
  18. Infectious diseases of the umbilical cord and umbilical cord of a newborn child. Catarrhal omphalitis. Purulent omphalitis. Gangrene of the umbilical cord.
  19. Sepsis of newborn children. Early and late sepsis (etiology). Transmission routes: The main links in the pathogenesis of sepsis.
  20. Sepsis of newborn children. Clinic depends on the etiology. Treatment: Prevention.
  21. Congenital heart defects in children. Outpatient monitoring of children with CHD.
  22. Congenital heart defects in children. DMJP (hemodynamics, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment).
  23. Congenital heart defects in children. DMPP (hemodynamics, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment).
  24. Congenital heart defects in children. OAP (hemodynamics, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment).
  25. Congenital heart defects in children. Tetralogy of Fallot (hemodynamics, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment).
  26. Congenital heart defects in children. Coarctation of the aorta (hemodynamics, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment).
  27. Myocarditis in children. Classification. Clinical manifestations. Diagnostics. Treatment.
  28. Cardiomyopathy in children. Classification. Clinic. Treatment.
  29. Acute rheumatic fever in children. Classification. Prevention.
  30. Acute rheumatic fever in children. Clinic (carditis, arthritis, small chorea, rheumatic nodules, annular erythema). Diagnostics.
  31. Acute rheumatic fever in children. Prevention (primary, secondary). Outpatient observation.
  32. Systemic lupus erythematosus in children. Clinical manifestations. Diagnostics. Treatment. Prophylaxis.
  33. Juvenile dermatomyositis. Classification. Clinical manifestations. Diagnostics. Treatment: Prevention.
  34. Systemic scleroderma in children. Clinical manifestations. Treatment.
  35. Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Classification. Clinical manifestations. Diagnostics. Treatment: Outpatient observation.
  36. Acute bronchitis in children. Classification. Clinic of acute obstructive bronchitis. Diagnostics. Treatment.
  37. Acute bronchiolitis in children. Clinic. Diagnosis. Treatment.
  38. Acute pneumonia in children. Classification. Clinical manifestations. Diagnosis. Treatment.
  39. Bronchial asthma in children. Classification. Clinical manifestations. Principles of treatment. Outpatient monitoring of children with AD.
  40. Bronchial asthma in children. Severity criteria. Asthmatic Status Clinic. Principles of treatment.
  41. Hemorrhagic vasculitis in children. Classification. Clinical manifestations. Diagnostics. Treatment. Prophylaxis. Outpatient observation.
  42. Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura in children. Classification. Clinical manifestations. Diagnostics. Treatment. Prevention. Outpatient observation.
  43. Thrombocytopathy in children. Classification. Glanzmann’s disease, Von Willebrand’s disease, and Bernard-Soulier’s disease (pathogenesis, clinic, diagnosis, treatment). Outpatient observation of children with thrombocytopathies.
  44. Hemophilia in children. Definition. Mechanisms of hereditary transmission. Classification. Clinic. Diagnostics. Principles of treatment.
  45. Hemolytic anemia in children. Definition. Types of hemolysis (intracellular, intravascular). Classification. Course, outcomes, complications. Emergency care for the hemolytic crisis.
  46. Iron deficiency anemia in children. Diagnostics. Treatment. Prevention. Outpatient observation.
  47. Aplastic anemia in children. Classification. Diagnosis. Treatment.