In accordance with the general goal, the following areas of student education have been adopted as the main ones in the ISM IUK: vocational and labour education civic-patriotic and legal education cultural and moral; sports and recreational education; work with parents; student self-government. Мероприятие Mass- cultural activities: The purpose of mass-cultural activities is to provide […]
Scientific clubs
The goals of creating a student research circle: The Student Research Circle (SRC) is a voluntary organization of students who have expressed a desire to master the skills of conducting research and successfully combine such activities with studies. The student research circle is a structural unit of the ISM student research society. The main aims […]
SPORTS ACHIEVEMENTS Taking care of the development of physical culture and sports is one of the most important tasks of any state. In it, a person seeks to expand the boundaries of his capabilities, this is a huge world of emotions generated by successes and failures, the most popular spectacle, an effective means of educating […]
Student organizations
ISM IUK students are active members of the Asian Medical Student’s Association The International Asian Medical Student’s Association (AMSA) is the most representative organization for medical students from Asia, the Asia-Pacific region and other countries. We are bringing together future healers from 17 full members, 2 associate members and 8 observer members who will be […]
Student Council
An important area of activity for students, in addition to educational and scientific activities, is social work. A student self-government body has been created and operates at ISM IUK – the student council, which provides students with the opportunity to act as direct organizers of their activities. The Student Council of the International School of […]