Goals and objectives

Head of Student Support and Extracurricular Affairs Department Full name: Gulzhaz Anarbekovna Kongaitieva Academic degree: Candidate of Political Sciences Academic title: Acting Associate Professor Contacts Address: 720082, Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek, April 7, 6, Eastern Medical Campus, office 106. Phone: 0312(53-36-68) Email: extracurricularoffice@gmail.com Goal and objectives Goals of the Division of Student Support and Extracurricular Affairs (SSEA): […]

Medical Library

Library of the Eastern Medical Campus Address: 6 Seven April str., Office # 115 Office number: 53-37-07 Website: http://library.iuk.kg/ru/ Work hours: Monday-Friday 09:00-17:00 Lunch break: 12:00 – 13:00 The information and educational platform “Library” – a single platform of research libraries in the structures of the Academic Consortium “International University of Kyrgyzstan” (AC “IUK”), reflects […]

Information Technology and Digitalization Office

Head of IT&C sector Togataev Adilkhan Jorayevich Information Technology and Digitalization Sector of ISM IUK The ISM IT&C Sector was established to provide support to the entire ISM infrastructure on IT and digitalization issues. Goals of the sector: Development of information technology within the framework of ISM activities. Maintaining the ISM network in a serviceable […]

Psychological support center

Psychological counsellor Svetlana Yuryevna Abdykaimova ISM PSYCHOLOGICAL SUPPORT CENTRE Dear students, we have a Psychological Support Centre to ensure your psychological readiness for the educational process. In our center you will find psychological help, support and counselling in crisis situations. Goal of the Centre Assistance in creating a socio-pedagogical developmental environment that provides psychological conditions for […]

Students Affairs Office

Chief specialist of the Student Sector Usenova Aziza Rakhatbekovna Goal: Goals of the Student Sector are: to carry out administrative activities in accordance with the mission of the university; to work systematically with students from the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, the Republic of India, the Arab Republic of Egypt and […]

Passport and Visa Office

Leading specialist of the international sector Beishembayeva Nurgul Kurchbekova Goals of the sector: provide foreign students with prompt and quality passport and visa services and document acceptance; to accept documents online for visa renewal, registration and all passport and visa issues.   Objectives of the sector: assistance in preparing the necessary documents for the arrival […]

International Office

The international cooperation International cooperation is an integral part of the activities of ISM, aimed at attracting foreign citizens for training, ensuring academic mobility and improving the qualifications of teaching staff at the international level. The main task is to establish international contacts with universities in various countries, provide foreign students with passport and visa […]

Educational and Methodological Office

Chief Specialist of the Training and Methodological Sector Full name: Otorova Asel Anarbekovna Academic degree: Candidate of Biological Sciences Contacts: Address: 720082, Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek, 7 April Street 6, Eastern Medical Campus, office 105 Email: asel.otorova@gmail.com Goal of the sector: Organisation and optimization of the educational process, monitoring of the implementation and improvement of educational […]

Monitoring and Quality Office

Chief Specialist of the Monitoring and Quality Sector Full name: Bekibayeva Baktygul Sabirzhanovna Academic degree: PhD Contacts: Address: 720082, Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek, 7 April Street 6, Eastern Medical Campus, office 105 Email: monitoring@ism.iuk.kg  Goal of the sector: Implementation of monitoring, ensuring collection, processing and analysis of information on the actual state of affairs in the […]

Goals and objectives

Head of Department Dzhailova Baktygul Ramzanovna Contacts: Address: 720001, Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek, 88/1 Turusbekova St., Amanat University Clinic, 5th floor, office 511. E-mail: baktyguldjailova@com Goal of the department: Organisation and conduct of all types of practical training within the framework of ensuring continuity and consistency of formation and mastering of professional skills and abilities of […]

Internship bases in healthcare organizations and social institutions in the Kyrgyz Republic

Internship for students is an important part of the educational process when training specialists with higher medical education. At ISM IUK, an internship is carried out in stages (sequentially) as students acquire theoretical knowledge in healthcare organizations that correspond to the profile of specialist training – general practitioner. Students systematically and purposefully master practical skills […]

Education Office

Head of the Education Sector of ISM Talaybekova Adinai Talaybekovna Goals of the Education Sector of ISM IUK The Education Sector was established to organize the educational process on the Medical Business programme, to provide conditions for its improvement. As part of the Department of Education NCEI ESPC “IUK”. Performs tasks on planning and organisation […]

Goals and objectives

Dean of the International School of Medicine Gulmira Ravshanbekovna Azimova Academic degree: PhDAcademic title: Acting Associate Professor Contacts Address: 720082, Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek, 7 April Street 6, Eastern Medical Campus, office 103. Email:deans_office@ism.iuk.kg The purpose of the Dean’s Office of the ISM IUK is to ensure successful educational and cultural adaptation of foreign students, as […]


Standing orders Regulations on ISM Regulations on the dean’s office Instructions for teaching students in cross-cutting disciplines and system (clinical) modules About the repeat course About the appeal commission Job instructions Dean’s job descriptions Job descriptions of the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs Job descriptions of the dean for educational work Job descriptions of employees […]


Уразалиева Наргиза Абдухалиловна Заместитель декана по учебной работе Кошоева Айдина Турусбекова Заместитель декана по учебной работе Бексултанова Гуласал Каныбековна Специалист деканата Нургазы кызы Жаныл Специалист деканата Имашова Назима Мирлановна Специалист деканата Мыктарбекова Жылдыз Мыктарбековна Специалист деканата Темирканова Айпери Мирлановна Специалист деканата Бекболот кызы Гүлкайыр Специалист деканата Кучукова Альвина Боронбаевна Специалист деканата Бактыбекова Жанара Бактыбековна Специалист […]

Classrooms and laboratories

Modern equipment of classrooms and specialized offices plays a key role in the development of the intellectual abilities of future specialists and significantly updates the system of professional education. The use of various training materials in these premises contributes to the formation of a workforce that can quickly absorb information, adapt to different conditions and […]