Regulations: Regulations on the SS&EA department for the 2022-2023 academic year Regulations on supervision for the 2022-2023 academic year Regulations governing the creation of conditions to ensure the safety of students during their stay at the university Internal Regulations for students at the International School of Medicine IUK Student moral and ethical code Work plans: […]
Специалисты отдела ПСиВР Касымбекова Гулиза Касымбековна Дуйшобаева Нуржаз Мирлановна
Goals and objectives
Head of Student Support and Extracurricular Affairs Department Full name: Gulzhaz Anarbekovna Kongaitieva Academic degree: Candidate of Political Sciences Academic title: Acting Associate Professor Contacts Address: 720082, Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek, April 7, 6, Eastern Medical Campus, office 106. Phone: 0312(53-36-68) Email: Goal and objectives Goals of the Division of Student Support and Extracurricular Affairs (SSEA): […]