Classrooms and laboratories

Educational activities at the faculty are carried out according to programs developed in accordance with the requirements of the curricula and educational standards of WHO. In the educational process, innovative methods and teaching aids are widely used: reading problematic and complex lectures, evidence-based medicine, interactive learning and video and multimedia equipment. A prerequisite for mastering […]

Research activities

Research work: organization of research, scientific-practical and experimental work of the department; development and implementation in the educational process of the results of scientific and experimental research; participation of members of the department in scientific, scientific-practical conferences, seminars and symposiums; participation in the development and implementation of scientific projects, grants and competitions; Dissemination of scientific, […]

Educational and methodological activities

Academical and Methodological Complex: For methodical work: continuous improvement of the educational and methodological activities of the members of the department; improving the quality of educational and methodological support of the educational process; development of recommendations for the use of new and progressive learning technologies; participation in the preparation of new programs, textbooks and manuals […]


Zholochieva Gulmira Toktobekovna Assistant of departments Abdynazarov Almaz Nurdinovich Assistant of departments Aitnazarov Emil Tynybekovich Assistant of departments Bazeyan Juliet Karenovna Assistant of departments Zhekshenbek kyzy Tamara Assistant of departments Kozhokmatova Gulia Satyndievna Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Zhoomartov Ulugbek Akramovich Assistant of departments Kendirbayeva Nazgul Jenishbekovna Assistant of departments Esenov Iliyaz Asylbekovich Assistant of […]

About the Department of Special Surgical Disciplines

Head of Department Full name:  Academic degree:  Academic title:  Contacts: Address: 720001, Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek, 88/1 Turusbekova St., Amanat University Clinic, 5th floor, office #510. Phone:  Email:  About department The Department of “Special Surgical Disciplines” was established on 22 August 2020 by the Order №210 of the Rector of NCEI ESPC “IUK” and is one […]