Classrooms and laboratories

The lecture halls are equipped with multimedia equipment that significantly expands the learning opportunities.Classrooms and laboratories for practical training are equipped with microscopes, visual aids, stands and posters, tables, macro- and micropreparations.The educational process at the Department of Pathology is conducted at the Faculty of General Medicine in English in accordance with the standard and […]

Research activities

Research work: The organization of research work in the department is carried out in the following main areas: organization of research activities of the teaching staff; organization of publishing activities; organization of students’ research work (SRWS); training, retraining and advanced training of teachers. План научно-исследовательской работы План научно-исследовательской работы студента           […]

Educational and methodological activities

Department of Pathology Curriculum: Curriculum for foreign citizens (5 years) — 2023 Subsequence: The sequence of disciplines (5 years) for the 2023-24 academic year. Calendar schedule: Calendar schedule for the 3rd semesterCalendar schedule for the 4th semesterCalendar schedule for the 10th semester Modular schedule: Modular schedule for the 3rd semesterModular schedule for the 4th semesterModular […]


Zhanybekov Iliyas Zhanybekovich Head of the Department Uraimov Elaman Senior instructor Alysherova Aizat Sabyrovna Instructor Muzaeva Aichurok Ryspekovna Instructor Abykeeva Dinara Muratbekovna Instructor Kenzhebaev Sultanbek Sabyrbekovich Instructor Akmatova Asiya Adylbekovna Instructor

About the Department of Pathology

Head of the Department Full name: Janybekov Iliyas Janybekovich Contacts: Address: 720000, Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek, 100/1, Lev Tolstoy St., office №214 Morphological Building Email: About the department The Department of Pathology was formed in October 2020. The Department of Pathology is an educational and scientific structural subdivision of the Medical Faculty of ISM NCEI ESPC […]