Simulation Training Center

The simulation training center participates in the implementation of the State Educational Standard for Higher Professional Education. At the Center, students are taught manual and clinical skills using new simulation technology. In order to reduce the period of adaptation of young specialists in medical institutions, to provide timely in full the necessary qualified medical care […]

Eastern Medical Campus

The medical faculty of the university (International School of Medicine), operating since 2003, has accumulated significant experience in the development of medical education and science, based on the traditions of academic medicine of the Soviet school and new technologies of teaching and research. Currently, the International School of Medicine occupies the Eastern Medical Campus of […]

Morphological Campus

The main goal of creating the Research Educational Morphological Corps of the International School of Medicine is the integration of the educational and scientific process, as well as theoretical-methodological and practical-organizational support of the learning process and improving the quality of educational services in the disciplines of the morphological profile on the basis of a […]

Student Campus

The student campus of the International School of Medicine ESPC “IUK” has the most modern infrastructure and conditions necessary for students to live. ISM dormitory has 204 spacious and comfortable rooms, which are equipped with bathrooms with hot and cold water, bunk beds, study tables, chairs, wardrobes, smoke detectors, and students are provided with 24 […]